Kamis, 10 November 2016


Hasil gambar untuk QIRAAT AL QUR AN

A. Definition of Qiraat Al-Qur’an
Etimologically, it is taken from Arabic qira’at means mashdar from qara’a it means to read. Terminologically, there are three element:
1. Qira’at related to the way to pronounce wording of Al-qur’an which is done by one of Imam and different with what other Imam did.
2. The way to pronounce ayat Al-qur’an based on continued riwayah to Prophet Muhammad SAW.
3. Scoop discussion of  qira’at contradiction related to discussion about lughat, hadzaf, I’rab, itsbat, fashal, and washal.

B. Emergence of Qira’at Differentiation Backround
Causes why contradiction of reading Alqur’an happened based on differentation in syakl, harakat or huruf. Prophet Muhammad SAW red various qira’at form in front of his shohabah , there is contradiction of riwayah from shohabah related to various qira’at version which is done, and there is lahjah or dialect in Arabian circle in decending Al-qur’an period.

C. Qira’ah Sab’ah
About qira’at sab’ah, it is found some opinions, they are:
1. Seven letters or seven types of language for Arabics related to one meaning.
2. Seven letters are seven types of language from Arabic those are found in Al-Qur’an.
3. Seven letters are seven wajh, they are amr (order), nahyu (prohibition), wa’ad (promise), wa’id (threat), jadal (debate), qashshash (story), and matsal (parable).
4. Sevens letter are seven kinds of thing that among them are different in three things, those are: Differentiation of noun (Ikhtilaful Asma’), those are in form mufrad, mudzakar and the branch, like tatsniyah, two and ta’nits.
5. Amount of seven is not meant according harfiah (it means not amount between six and eight). But that amount just as symbol.
6. Those seven letters are seven qira’at according partly of other people think it is made by Rasulullah SAW or by shohabah and tabiin.

D. Urgency and Benefit of Study Qira’at
Urgention studying qit’at knowledge are:
1. It can consolidate  certainties of law that was agreed by Ulama,
2. men-tarjih the law which is differentiated by Ulama,
3. To consolidate two powers of law which are differen,
4. To show two certainties of law which are different in different condition and give explanation toward one word in Al-Qur’an that maybe difficult to understand the meaning.

Mushlih, Hafidz. Salamudin, Ceceng. 2016. Ulum Al-Qur'an. Bandung : UIN
Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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