Kamis, 22 September 2016


Hasil gambar untuk al-quran
1.     Definition of Rasm Al-Qur’an
Rasm Al-Qur’an (Rasm Utsmani or Rasm Utsman) is a way to write down  Al-Qur’an  which certailnly  at Khalifah Utsman bin Affan period. Rasm Al-Qur’an consist of two words : rasm and Al-Qur’an. Rasm is infinitive form (al-mashdar) from verb rasama – yarsamu, which means draw or paint and written. Can be means al-atsar ‘alamah. Meanwhile Al-Qur’an is writing instrument from Allah which descending to prophet Muhammad SAW. Rasm Al-Qur’an means form Al-Qur’an’s written. Rasm Al-Qur’an is knowledge which study carefully about Mushaf Al-Qur’an which do specially, at pronounciation process writing or form letters which use.

2.     Mufti’s opinion about Rasm Al-Qur’an
Muftis have different opinion about status rasm Al-Qur’an :
a.     Rasm Al-Qur’an have character taufiqi is prophet decision and not product sahabats or another human. Because of that everyone must follow when they write Al-Qur’an.
b.     Rasm Al-Qur’an have character not taufiqi, not prophet decision. Rasm utsmani is  a way to write which agreed by khalifah Utsman bin Affan and accept by Islam members carefully. Because of that, being obigation and can’t be infringed.

3.     Rasm Al-Qur’an Rule
There are six kind of rasm Al-Qur’an :
a.     Al-Hafidz : throw, disappear, or destroy letter
b.     Al-ziyadah : add letter
c.      Al-hamzah : one of rule is if hamzah letter have harakat sukun, so it’s written by harakat letter
d.     Badal : substitute such as alif written with wawu
e.      Washal : continue
f.       Fashl : seperate
g.     Two letter can read two sound like lafadz maaliki yaumiddin (long read) can be read maliki (without long read)

Mushlish, Hafidz. Salamudin, Ceceng. 2016. Ulum Al-Qur'an. Bandung : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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